Montag, 15. April 2013


                                     WELCOME TO THE V I B G Y O R

  Heute - 16 April  19.00 uhr & Donerstag 18 April.  Bühne der Kulturen, Platenstr 32, Köln.



To book your ticket, please click the link below. Or call: 0221 9559510 .... Anandam.


Ein Theaterstück in sieben Akten
Mit Tanzszenen & Musik
Dauer: 90 Minuten
Sprache: Englisch
Darsteller: 7
Drehbuch & Regie: Supriyo Bandyopadhyay
Produktion: pLotpourri Theatre Group, Deutschland
Zusammenfassung der Handlung:
VIBGYOR ist ein englisches Akronym, das für die sieben Farben des Regenbogens sowie das beim Sonnenaufgang erzeugte Farbspektrum steht. In sieben Akten erzählt das Stück von der Entwicklung der menschlichen Zivilisation – mit besonderem Schwerpunkt auf der jüngeren Vergangenheit und insbesondere den Revolutionen im arabischen Raum – beispielhaft verdeutlicht an Ländern wie Tunesien, Ägypten, Libyen, Bahrain & Syrien. Einer der Darsteller verkörpert den ägyptischen Märtyrer Sally Zahran, andere Muammar al-Gaddafi, Baschar al-Assad und weitere Diktatoren. Ebenfalls beleuchtet wird die Rolle der Vereinten Nationen in der Weltpolitik. Erzähler in diesem Stück ist die Zeit. Die immerwährende Zeit nimmt den Zuschauer mit auf eine Reise der Menschheit und thematisiert die aktuelle Situation in der Weltpolitik und bestimmte soziale Entwicklungen in der Welt. Bühnenbild und Charakter des Stücks sind voller Symbolik – mit den sieben Farben des Regenbogens, die sich wie ein roter Faden durch das gesamte Stück ziehen. Das Stück endet mit der Hoffnung auf einen neuen Sonnenaufgang für die Menschheit.


Mittwoch, 10. April 2013

                         YOU ARE CORDIALLY WELCOME TO
                                               V I B G Y O R.

A seven act stage play.
Duration -  90 minutes.
Language – English.
Acting characters – Seven.
Inclusive of dance scenes & music.
Written & directed by :  Supriyo Bandyopadhyay.

Synopsis of the plot: VIBGYOR reflects the seven colours of the rainbow & the seven consecutive colours which forms the rise of the sun every morning. In this seven act play the journey of the human civilization has been mentioned with the special focus on the recent past of the Arab Revolutions. This play showcases the countries like Tunisia, Egypt, Libya , Bahrain & Syria.  Egyptian martyr Sally Zahran is a character in this play. So are the characters like Muammar Gaddafi, Bashar Al Assad etc. This play showcase the role of the United Nations in the international politics. Time is the main narrator of this play. The eternal time takes the audience to a journey of the mankind & eventually refers to the recent situation of the world politics & social developments. The set & the play character is symbolic & at the same time it has an imprint of the seven colours of the rainbow consequently. The play ends with the note of hope of a new sunrise for the mankind.

Few photos of the premier show on 7th April in Bühne Der kulturen, Köln. 

                                         Egyptian revolution scene.
                                         Time, Karma & the Grandfather's people
                                          The eternal time in his chariot.
                                          Tunisian folk dance.
                                         Tunis Ali the revolutionery from Tunisia.
                                          Time & the Karma
Jail Breaking scene , Tunisia.

                                  The Harem scene in Libya
                                  Time on Libya scenario
                                  Muammar Ashrafi ( Gaddafi)
                                  The Syria situation
                                  This planet is being played with by the international politics.
                                  Ashrafi (Gaddafi ) & leeza..
                                 Syria scene.
                                  Seven colurs of the sunrise. V I B G Y O R.
                                 The applause.

The forthcoming shows are on 16th, 18th & 24th of April in Bühne Der kulturen, Platenstrasse 32, Köln. Germany. 19.00 hrs. Tickets are available online & also on telephone. Please cheq the link here..


                                             V I B G Y O R .

V I B G Y O R poster

Freitag, 1. Februar 2013


For some reasons youtube is not showing the picture of the video of the play. 

Please click the link below to witness the wonderful presentation of pLotpourri

                                                     Please click the link below


Samstag, 8. September 2012

Coming soon... VIBGYOR

Violet - Indigo - Blue - Green - Yellow - Orange - Red

The colours of the sunlight, flooding the earth in every dawn.
Humankind has seen many dawns, time tells the story of them.
Imagine time is talking to you...

Telling the story of darkness and light. Rise and fall. Success and defeat.
But not of nations, kings and presidents, parties, clans and armies.
Imagine history written by the common people...

Like those who became the blossoms of a new spring, a new sunrise for humankind.

Mittwoch, 11. Juli 2012

Summer break

After 6 successful shows of "Devadasi", Plotpourri Theatre Group is taking a summer break til August. We want to thank our friends and families and everyone who supported our journey so far!
We'll be coming up with new ideas and projects... soon!

Dienstag, 19. Juni 2012

Making of - Poster

Starting with a portrait of our leading actresses Katharina and...

...Debarati, the faces were combined in one image...

...indicating some basic themes of the play through colour and composition.